BRM - The Golf Master

Every golfer needs a watch that won’t let them down on the golf course, now an exclusive new range promises exactly that…

As golfers, we like to think that we are people of taste. We do after all play the greatest game known to man or woman, and pride ourselves on our sportsmanship and fairplay. So, when it comes to what timepiece a golfer should wear, there are some very straightforward prerequisites. It must exude craftsmanship and taste, it must not be a hindrance to our form but, if possible, help us play the game that we so love. Quite a tall order.
    For the golfers in the know, a blingy Rolex is not going to do the job. It has to be a timepiece with all the qualifications stated above, in other words, it has to be a timepiece from the French chronographer BRM…

THE MAN BEHIND THE WATCH The French watch company BRM was set up by Bernard Richards. Richards was born in 1958 into a family of clock makers. With a love of traditional clock and watch making, it was no surprise that in 1974 he studied horology and micro-mechanics in Paris. Eight years later, Richards founded a company specialising in the machining of components for the luxury industry. Then in 2003, he launched BRM (Bernard Richards Manufacture). The company expanded rapidly and in 2005, the factory moved to Vexin, its headquarters to this day.
    A motorcycle collector and lover of race cars as well as a keen golfer, Bernard’s passion for making timepieces that complement their particular use, is easily identifiable in his creations. Whether on the racetrack, in the air or on the golf course, a watch must function well within its environment.

ASCETIC APPEAL For Richards, luxury is the attention to technical and ascetic detail at every stage of the creation process. No stamped cases with built-in lugs, but rather separate machining of each component. In this way, different combinations of colours and materials are possible. Using traditional craftsmanship and high-precision techniques, each BRM model is finished by hand and is the result of painstaking hours of work. The machining of each element, which is carried out separately, allows the combination of different materials and precious composites such as rose gold, titanium or carbon. The cases, which are made up of 18 parts, are machined from bars of titanium. The straps have no fewer than 12 parts, and as for the dials, 20 transfers are required to produce each one. The hands are like an Italian car-maker’s finest pedal units; perforated and lightweight.

THE BRM GOLF MASTER Due to repeated requests from clients, BRM recently launched the BRM Golf Master, a range of watches specially designed for male and female golfers. The most obvious component, crucial to any timepiece that has to deal with the rigorous effects of a golf swing, is a full-floating system to guarantee that shocks are completely absorbed. These timepieces can fully stand up to the pressures and demands that playing golf will put on them, and in a way that cannot be matched by any other brand. BRM creates bespoke watches that correspond to the needs and desires of each and every golfer.

An interview with BRM

GGM - What is the thought behind bringing out a golf watch?

BRM - BRM is the preferred watch of motorsports and is also a popular choice amongst pilots. Many of these people tend to play golf, and our clients told us on many occasions that it was a pity not to be able to wear their BRM watch while playing. This is because on a regular watch, the movement of the swing can damage the axle of wheels inside the mechanism. So the simple answer was to develop a watch especially for golfers.

GGM – What is so special about these watches?

BRM – The BRM Golf Master is the first watch specifically designed and developed for wearing while playing golf. The movement is suspended inside the case by six shock absorbers; these are the springs that you can see around the dial. This protects the movement from shock and vibrations during a golf swing, which generates quite considerable force. We take the golf theme further with the surface of the dial having the same dimpled texture as a golf ball. The very light technical fibre strap has a memory of the shape of your wrist for comfort and efficiency, and is of course waterproof and very resistant. The watch is also very light for comfort and practicality. We worked extremely hard on all aspect to the watch to lose weight everywhere, from the dials to the casing.

GGM - How was the idea for the design reached?

We looked to make it sporty yet elegant, just like our golfing customers. You can wear it during a round but also anywhere else for that matter. It’s a problem if a watch is too heavy and becomes an irritation while playing. The aim is to be efficient, light, comfortable and as practicable as possible on and off the course. We have also created a limited edition of the Golf Master only for the UK.

GGM - Are there different levels of watch to cater to different price ranges?

The white version has an entry-level price of £3,350 while the black version has an entry level of £3,800. It all comes down to what combination of materials you choose.

HOMAGE TO THE GAME BRM has created a timepiece that any golfer would be proud to own. While fulfilling the role of practicality on the golf course, the watch is something that you may want to wear in other situations too. It’s homage to the game in its design is apparent, its quality, well, that’s second to none.

Good to know

The Golf Master watches are available at:

Jura Watches -


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